Contact Me

If you want to contact me, you can email me at:

s h @ s t o r y h e a v e n . c o m

Please don’t just copy and paste, because if you do, the extra spaces will create an invalid address. Thanks. :)

You can also leave a comment on the blog. Older posts have comments disabled but newer posts will usually have comments turned on.

I can’t respond to most emails sent to me, but I do read them and respond when necessary. I also don’t respond to emails about publishing your book or finding a publisher for your book, because I am not a publisher.

About Review Requests

Please note that I’m accepting very few review requests at the moment and can’t respond to those inquiries unless I want you to send me your book. Thank you for your understanding!

If you are requesting a review, I prefer that you send your book with your request to cut down on having to email back and forth.

  • EPUB is my preferred format. MOBI will work in a pinch. If you send PDF, I probably won’t bother.
  • For data security, I delete review requests and their attached files if I don’t want to read and review the book, so please include a high quality description of the book in the body of the email so I can decide if I’m interested! Thanks!

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Story Heaven