I’m glad I didn’t realize this book had been published right away. A devastating upheaval in my personal life happened only a week before the release date back in June and there’s no way I could have enjoyed this story if I had picked up a copy right then. And I would have, because I love Virginia Kantra’s Children of the Sea series. No personal upheaval is going to change that.
Now, however, I’m ready to read again and Forgotten Sea is one of the first books I’ve read since late May.
Forgotten Sea by Virginia Kantra follows Immortal Sea, probably my favorite book of the entire series (although Sea Lord was absolutely wonderful). In Forgotten Sea, we’re introduced to Justin and Lara, and there’s a mystery there right away. Justin can’t remember anything from his life prior to seven years ago, while Lara is introduced as one of the fallen children of the air, a fallen angel.
As a reader of the series–this isn’t my first Children of the Sea book–I could feel that Justin’s story was tied to the events of Sea Lord, and any fan is going to figure it out quickly, who he is and what happened to him seven years previous.
There’s a lot to like about this book. Kantra writes with the same flair that made the other Children of the Sea books special. She also introduces plenty of interesting backstory for Lara’s people, leaving me wondering if there’s going to be future stories there. At the moment, it seems that she’s run out of people to continue the selkie / finfolk stories, but just because I think that doesn’t mean it’s true.
Forgotten Sea didn’t disappoint me. I read it in one sitting and don’t regret a moment I spent with the characters, living the romance, the mystery, and the excitement of another great book in Kantra’s Children of the Sea series.
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